
ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) has become the modern-day lens through which corporations’ value as world citizens is being measured. Gone is the time when the race to the bottom line was all that mattered. The imperative of reaching net zero and maintaining the social license to operate, is finally pushing corporations towards their ultimate goal: being agents of good while also providing meaningful returns to all stakeholders. 

Financial markets direct major trends in world economy as well as consumer behavior. As resource scarcity increases and issues such as climate change, deforestation, human rights and labor standards increasingly impact out daily lives and their effects can be felt on our health, our pockets and overall well-being, it is adamant that we become aware of the implications and learn how to address these issues through education.


Image source: (https://www.forbes.com/sites/georgkell/2018/07/11/the-remarkable-rise-of-esg/#685be2171695)

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 I hope you will enjoy the content as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it. 

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